Configure GPS2IP for TAIP Protocol

Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP) is a Trimble-specified digital communication interface based on printable ASCII characters over a serial data link.
TAIP was designed specifically for vehicle tracking applications but has become common in a number of other applications because of its ease of use.

TAIP Reference Document


Step 1

Go into Settings

Scroll down.

Step 2

Select   TAIP   Protocol

Here you have the choice between NMEA and TAIP modes.

Depending on this selection, the messages that you can select to send change.

Step 3

Select messages

Choose the message(s) appropriate for your requirements.
Either, or both can be enabled.

Step 4

General settings

You can optionally enable Send in one transmission.

Step 5

Connection Method

To send messages that meet the TAIP specification, select the TAIP UDP Server connection Method.

You can configure the server information by pressing the button