GPS2IP on an Ad-Hoc network

Even without a router, you can use GPS2IP on your iPhone/iPad as a GPS; and connect to many different navigation packages.

 Setting up an Ad-Hoc network

When you need to connect GPS2IP to another machone without a router, you can connect the two devices directly to each other.
This is called an Ad-Hoc network.

Choose the device to set up an Ad-Hoc network

You can choose which device to set up the network on, and then connect the other device to that network.
For example, you can set up the network on your PC, and connect to that wifi network with your iPhone.

For the sake of battery life, and general reliability, we always recommend to host the network on the PC

If you want to set up the network on your iOS device, Apple calls this a "Hotspot":

Configure a Hotspot on iOS

If you have a cellular connection in your iPhone, you can enable "Personal Hotspot" .
This means your iPhone will act like a wi-fi router, and you can connect to the new wi-fi network that it provides.

To set up Personal Hotspot:

  1. Go to Settings > Cellular
  2. Tap Personal Hotspot, then tap the slider to turn it on
  3. (Make sure you leave wi-fi on, so that you can connect to the new wi-fi network!)
If you don't see the option for Personal Hotspot, contact your carrier to make sure that you can use Personal Hotspot with your plan.

Once you have enabled Personal Hotspot, when you select Hotspot in the GPS2IP Network Selection settings, you will be able to connect to it over wifi from any other device.

If you are using TCP ur UDP push, you will need the other device to connect to the Hotspot before determining the IP address of that device.

Be sure to check the Hotspot IP address by pressing the little next to the Hotspot selection.


If HotSpot is operating, your data usage may be high if network access is required for anything connected to the device running GPS2IP. For example, Navionics syncs information, and can use quite a lot of data.
Please disable these features if you do not have a high data allowance.

In iOS 11, it can take a few minutes for your device to configure itself properly for some reason.
If you get a message 'Not Available' in GPS2IP when you press the next to the Hotspot setting, then try waiting a minute or so..

Once your Hotspot is configured, you can connect your computer to that wifi network.

Configure an Ad-Hoc network on your PC

You can set up a wifi network on your PC, and then connect your iOS device to it.
Your device might end up with an IP address of something like

Windows Instructions

Mac Instructions

The old method (pre OSX 10.10.x)

  • Open the Airport Menu from the top right of your screen
  • Click on Create Network
  • Enter a name, and a password if you wish to. Leave the Channel Field as is
  • Click OK

The new method (OSX 10.10 and after)

This used to be relatively easy, but in OSX 10.10, Apple preferred to obfuscate the process, while disabling the option to password protect the network at the same time. It makes no sense - but there you are..
There is a solution. It's ugly, but it works.

Firstly, in this example, my mac is called miniGus, so please adjust these steps according to the name of your mac.
Secondly, we will create a kind of hidden network, I have called mine gps2iploopback. Change this name if you like.

  1. Open up a Terminal. (Here's how to do that)
  2. Type: sudo networksetup -createnetworkservice gps2iploopback lo0
    (That last thing you typed was <small L> <lowercase 'O'> <the number zero>)
  3. Hit return, and type in your password.
  4. Type: sudo networksetup -setmanual gps2iploopback
  5. Hit return, again..
  6. Now we have created a kind of network, we need to enable it
  7. Go into System Preferences on your mac
  8. Then the Sharing section
  9. Go down to Internet sharing service on the left, and highlight it
  10. On the right, where is says Share your connection from: select the network you just created (gps2iploopback in this example)
  11. Next, below that, enable Wi-Fi for To computers using:
  12. By clicking the Wi-Fi Options button, you can set the password, and other wi-fi settings
    By default the network visible to other devices will be your machine name miniGus in my case.
    You can call this network anything you like - it is what you will be connecting to from your iPhone/iPad.
  13. Make sure Internet Sharing is enabled by checking the box next to the service
  14. It will ask you if you are sure. You are - click Start
  15. At this point, your mac should have created a Wi-Fi network that you can connect to with your other devices.
    If your mac has an internet connection, so will your devices.
    If your mac has no connection, you can still connect devices to it, but they won't have any internet connection. This is not necessary for most navigation software.
  16. On your iPhone/iPad, go into settings and connect to the Wi-Fi network you just created.
    (miniGus in my case). Enter the password you just created in step 12, and you should be connected.
  17. Now that you are connected, you can choose with method of communication you require/prefer:

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